Strategic Energy Procurement
Your Current & Future Energy Footprint
Developing a comprehensive energy blueprint and roadmap is the forefront of any successful energy management plan. Without a clear understanding of how and when an organization consumes its energy, executing a procurement plan can oftentimes result in increased costs, unrelated issues throughout the organization and plenty of headaches.
JMI takes the time to fully understand our clients’ current energy patterns, as well as any possible consumption changes expected in the future before recommending any procurement strategy. A successful procurement strategy must consider current and future requirements to be successful, both now and in the future.
The Right Source for You
Our Procurement Process
To get started, our team of Analysts perform an in-depth analysis of the entire portfolio to understand each account’s impact. Once our Analysts have a full understanding of current and future usage patterns, our team goes to work by soliciting qualified third-party energy suppliers for our Client’s energy requirements. We then follow these steps:
RFP Solicitation
We solicit an RFP to qualified third-party energy suppliers, each of whom have undergone a rigorous screening process to ensure they are equipped to provide the highest level of service to any of our customers.
Bid Submission
Following bid submission, our Clients receive a full report with all qualifying bids listed, as well as a full budget report under each purchasing scenario recommended by JMI’s Analysts.
Bid Analysis
Once the RFP results have been received, our analysts confirm the results adhere to the RFP requirements. Prices are then compiled the into a comprehensive rate analysis for review by the Client.
Contract Negotiations
Upon receiving an executable contract from a third-party supplier, JMI reviews the contract and provides guidance and assistance with any negotiations that may need to be achieved.
Post-Contract Support
Following contract execution, our dedicated support team will ensure the Client’s accounts are switched to the supplier on time and verify the contracted rates are being billed accurately.
Constant Monitoring
JMI’s Analysts constantly monitor market conditions for opportunities to lower current costs, and when the time comes, recommend a go to market strategy for any future contract periods.
Lasting Power – Budget Forecasting & Contract Performance Support
JMI’s work isn’t finished when the Client enters an agreement through one of our vetted suppliers. We are constantly monitoring the energy markets to identify any opportunities to improve current contracts and reduce future costs.
We also provide fully-customized budgetary and contract performance reports in an easy-to-read format. Any procurement process faces scrutiny from many angles. Our performance reports are designed to take away any guesses about whether the contracts chosen are performing versus previous contracts or market conditions. Budget and contract performance reports can be delivered at any cadence and can be integrated into any procurement plan.
What’s Next?
JMI has over 60 years of experience in the energy industry, and is ready to help you with all your procurement and sourcing needs. Contact us for a free consultation or to find out more today.